Hello there… welcome to the world of THE INTERCONTINENTAL PLAYBOYS. Are you voodoo curious? If your answer is “yes”, then let’s proceed…
THE INTERCONTINENTAL PLAYBOYS began in 1998, debuting at a private party at the Hollywood Hotel, Sydney. Unslowly, and unsurely, and with a head of fuzz and bump n’ grinding steam, word rapidly spread about these wild yet suave newcomers with an unlikely but voodooly sexy rock n roll manifesto. THE INTERCONTINENTAL PLAYBOYS are not at all from a penthouse suite (as their name suggests to some)… their inimitable sound emanates from a shadowy yet strangely inviting trapdoor within a garage that THE INTERCONTINENTAL PLAYBOYS’ earthly host (Sydney, Australia) can barely comprehend. In 2022, THE INTERCONTINENTAL PLAYBOYS remains as not-easily-pigeon-holable as they were at the outset. This is garage rock n roll that will leave you, and those with whom you are most intimate, breathless.
THE INTERCONTINENTAL PLAYBOYS’ sound and live show routinely surprises even the most “jadedly experienced” of observers. As would be expected, the formidable and intense nature of this experience is not to everyone’s taste. Nonetheless, they go on. They have shared the stage with a considerable number of artists, including (in no particular order) Freddy Negro, the Men from U.N.C.L.E., The Strokes, Rocket Science, Hands of Time, The Groan Ups, Thee Psycho Delmatics, The Dolly Rocker Movement, Spencer P Jones and the Last Gasp, The Mess Hall, Luxedo, The Persian Rugs, Mumesons, Sheek the Shayk, The Teenage Cavemen, The Monarchs, The Alohas, The Thurston Howlers, You Am I, The Booby Traps, The High Society, Penny Ikinger, Tim Rogers, T-Model Ford and The Sizzle Teens.
Attempts to describe the Playboys here.
Next show – Sun Nov 6 2022, with the Men From U.N.C.L.E. and The Stallers at the Marrickville Bowlo: